★★★ Modern version of the classic categories paper game
★★★ Play via Internet (Game Center) with friends and people all over the world connect via bluetooth.
★★★ Perfect for children and adults of all ages. Thrilling game with educational value.
★★★ Timer mode for fast game play and Wikipedia oracle in disputes
In Categories Game you define various categories and all players have to find matching words for a given first letter in a round.
The first letters are chosen by chance every round and there are 26 rounds to play.
Players will receive most points for the only right answer in a category, the second most points for a unique right answer in a category and the least points for a double answer in a category.
This is a Multiplayer Game and Devices are connected via Bluetooth. You can use iPhone, iPod Touches and iPads. One Player serves as a host ("Create a game", ideally the player with the most powerful device"). The other player join in for the game. The host defines the categories and the timeout.
Each round starts with the random selection of a first letter. Every player now has the chance to find words for all categories. Should one player fill all categories, he can end the round. The Host-Player can end the round anytime. Is a timeout defined, the round ends with it.
Now the answers are compared and the Host-Player can define the status of every single answer by just clicking on it and can ask Wikipedia for help.
Please Note: Should the connection fail at first attempt, please deactivate und activate bluetooth.